WESBOGY Publications


WESBOGY Annual Reports

(The following Annual Reports are available for download in PDF format. )

WESBOGY Annual Report 2014-15

WESBOGY Annual Report 2013-14

WESBOGY Annual Report 2012-13

WESBOGY Annual Report 2011-12

WESBOGY Annual Report 2010-11

WESBOGY Annual Report 2009-10

WESBOGY Annual Report 2008-09

WESBOGY Annual Report 2007-08

WESBOGY Annual Report 2006-07

WESBOGY Annual Report 2005 – 06

WESBOGY Annual Report 2004-05

WESBOGY Annual Report 2003-04

WESBOGY Annual Report 2000-03


Model releases

Bokalo, M., K. Johnson and P. Comeau. 2019. MGM18 (MGM18 vs1.1.18.37/Rev6115). https://mgm.ualberta.ca/


Refereed Journals

Bjelanovic, I, P.G. Comeau and B. White. 2018. High resolution site index prediction in boreal forests using topographic and wet areas mapping attributes. Forests, 2018, 9, 113. doi: 10.3390/f9030113

Bokalo, M., K. J. Stadt, P. G. Comeau, and S. J.Titus. 2013. The validation of the Mixedwood Growth Model (MGM) for use in forest management decision making. Forests 4: 1-27 doi: 10.3390/f4010001

Bokalo, M., P.G. Comeau and S.J. Titus. 2007. Early development of tended mixtures of aspen and spruce in western Canadian boreal forests. For. Ecol. Manage. 242: 175-184

Bokalo, M., S.J. Titus and D. P. Wiens. 1996. Sampling with partial replacement extended to include growth projections. For. Sci. 42: 328-334

Comeau, P.G. 2021. Effects of thinning on dynamics and drought resistance of aspen-white spruce mixtures: results from two study sites in Saskatchewan. Front. For. Clim. Change. 3: 621752. DOI: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.621752

Comeau, P.G. 2021. Effects of aspen and spruce density on size and number of lower branches 20 years after thinning of two boreal mixedwood stands. Forests 2021, 12, 211. doi 10.3390/f12020211

Cortini, F. and P.G. Comeau. 2020. Pest, climate and competition effects on survival and growth of trembling aspen in western Canada. New Forests 51: 175-190. doi 10.1007/s11056-019-09726-9

Cortini, F., P.G. Comeau and M. Bokalo. 2012. Trembling aspen competition and climate effects on white spruce growth in boreal mixtures of Western Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 277:67–73

Cortini, F., P.G. Comeau, V.C. Strimbu, E.H. Hogg, M. Bokalo, and S. Huang. 2017. Survival functions for boreal tree species in northwestern North America. For. Ecol. Manage. 402: 177-185

Filipescu, C. and P. Comeau. 2007. Aspen competition affects light and white spruce growth across several boreal sites in western Canada. Can. J. For. Res. 37: 1701-1713

Filipescu, C. and P. Comeau. 2011. Influence of Populus tremuloides density on air and soil temperature. Scand.J. For. Res., 26:5, 421-428

Gärtner, S. M., Bokalo, M., Macdonald, S. E., and Stadt, K. 2014. Variation in post-wildfire regeneration of boreal mixedwood forests: underlying factors and implications for natural disturbance-based management. New Forests, 1-20.

Grover, B.E., Bokalo, M., and Greenway, K.J. 2014. White spruce understory protection: From planning to growth and yield. For. Chron. 90.1: 35-43.

Hostin, P.J. and S. J. Titus. 1996. Indirect site productivity models for white spruce in Alberta’s boreal mixedwood forest. For. Chron. 72: 73-79

Huang, S.M., D. Price and S.J. Titus. 2000. Development of ecoregion-based height-diameter models for white spruce in boreal forests. For. Ecol. Manage. 129: 125-141

Huang, S.M. and S.J. Titus. 1993. An index of site productivity for uneven-aged or mixed-species stands. Can. J. For. Res. 23:558-562

Huang, S.M. and S.J. Titus. 1994. An age-independent individual tree height prediction model for boreal spruce aspen stands in Alberta. Can. J. For. Res. 24: 1295-1301

Huang, S.M. and S.J. Titus. 1995. An individual tree diameter increment model for white spruce in Alberta. Can. J. For. Res. 25: 1455-1465

Huang, S.M. and S.J. Titus. 1999. Estimating a system of nonlinear individual tree models for white spruce in boreal mixed-species stands. Can. J. For. Res 29:1805-1811

Huang, S.M. and S.J. Titus. 1999 An individual tree height increment model for mixed white spruce-aspen stands in Alberta, Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 123: 41-53.

Huang, S.M., S. Titus, D. Price and D. Morgan. 1999. Validation of ecoregion-based taper equations for white spruce in Alberta. For. Chron. 75: 281-292.

Huang, S.M., S.J. Titus and D.P. Wiens. 1992. Comparison of nonlinear diameter functions for major Alberta tree species. Can. J. For. Res. 22:1297-1304

Kabzems, R., M. Bokalo, P. Comeau and D. MacIsaac. 2016. Managed mixtures of Aspen and White Spruce 21 to 25 years after Establishment. Forests 7 (1) article 5, 10.3390/f701000

Kweon, D., and P.G. Comeau. 2019. Factors influencing overyielding in young boreal mixedwood stands in western Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 432: 546-557. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.09.053

Kweon, D. and P.G. Comeau. 2019. Relationships between tree survival, stand structure and age in trembling aspen dominated stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 438: 114-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.02.003

Oboite, F. and P.G. Comeau. 2020. Climate sensitive growth models for predicting diameter growth of western Canadian boreal tree species.  Forestry 2020, cpaa39. DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpaa039

Oboite, F.O. and P.G. Comeau. 2020. The interactive effect of competition and climate on growth of boreal tree species in western Canada and Alaska. Can. J. For. Res. 60: 547-464. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2019-0319

Oboite, F.W. and P.G. Comeau. 2019. Competition and climate influence growth of black spruce in western boreal forests.  For. Ecol. Manage. 443:84-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2019.04.017

Oboite, F. and P.G. Comeau. 2019. Release response of black spruce and white spruce following overstory lodgepole pine mortality due to mountain pine beetle attack. For. Ecol. Manage. 432: 446-454. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.09.029

Oltean, G., P.G. Comeau and B. White. 2016. Linking depth-to-water topographic index to soil moisture on boreal forest sites in Alberta. For. Sci. 62: 154-165. doi: 10.5849/forsci.15-054

Reyes-Hernandez, V., P. G. Comeau and M.Bokalo. 2013. Static and dynamic maximum size-density relationships for mixed trembling aspen and white spruce stands in western Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 289: 300-311. 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.09.042

Strimbu, V.C., M. Bokalo and P.G. Comeau. 2017. Deterministic models of growth and mortality for Jack pine in boreal forests of western Canada. Forests 8,410. doi: 10.3390/f8110410

Voicu, M. and P. Comeau. 2006. Microclimatic and spruce growth gradients adjacent to young aspen stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 221: 13-26

Wang, Y, S.J. Titus and V.M. LeMay. Relationships between tree slenderness coefficients and tree or stand characteristics for major species in boreal mixedwood forests. Can. J. For. Res. 28: 1171-1183

Yang, Y. and S.J. Titus. 2002. Maximum size-density relationship for constraining individual tree mortality functions. For. Ecol. Manage. 168:259-273.

Yang, Y.Q., S.J. Titus and S.M. Huang. Modeling individual tree mortality for white spruce in Alberta. Ecol. Modelling 163: 209-222.

Yao, X.H., S.J. Titus, and S.E. Macdonald. 2001. A generalized logistic model of individual tree mortality for aspen, white spruce and lodgepole pine in Alberta mixedwood forests. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 283-291.


Other publications

Bjelanovic, I. and P. Comeau. 2019. Estimating site index using ecosite and edatope in Alberta and Saskatchewan. MGM Research Note #2019-1. https://mgm.ualberta.ca/mgm18/research-notes/

Bjelanovic, I. and P. Comeau. 2019. Species SI conversion equations for Alberta and Saskatchewan. MGM Research Note #2019-2. https://mgm.ualberta.ca/mgm18/research-notes/

Bokalo, M. and P. Comeau. 2016. A detailed comparison of MGM2015vs and MGM2010 using the Alberta Provincial Growth and Yield initiative (PGYI) dataset. WESBOGY MGM Report. April 18, 2016.

Bokalo, M., and P.G. Comeau. 2013. Lodgepole Pine and Conifer Mixedwood (including pine) Validation Results for MGM. Report submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. Submitted June 26, 2013.

Bokalo, M. and P. Comeau. 2015. Validation of the Mixedwood Growth Model (MGM) against the Provincial Growth and Yield Initiative (PGYI) datasets.   Report submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. Submitted August 3, 2015.

Bokalo, M., P. Comeau and K. Johnson. 2019. Validation of the Mixedwood Growth Model (MGM) against the Provincial Growth and Yield Initiative (PGYI) dataset. https://mgm.ualberta.ca/mgm18/validation/

Bokalo, M., S. Humphries and P. Comeau. 2012. Western Boreal Growth and Yield (WESBOGY) Association Long Term Study (LTS) of growth and development of mixed stands of spruce and aspen – Experimental Design, Data Collection and Database Maintenance Manual. June 26, 2013.

Bokalo, M., S. Humphries and P. Comeau. 2021. Western Boreal Growth and Yield (WESBOGY) Association Long Term Study (LTS) of growth and development of mixed stands of spruce and aspen – Experimental Design, Data Collection and Database Maintenance Manual.  March 26, 2021. Version 4.2.

Bokalo, M. , K., Johnson and P. Comeau. 2016. Enhancing growth and yield data collection methods using airborne image technology. Report submitted to Government of Alberta. December 23, 2016.

Bokalo, M., K. Johnson, and P. Comeau. 2019. MGM18 (MGM18 vs1.1.18.37/Rev6115). https://mgm.ualberta.ca/

Comeau, P. 2020. Estimating site index using ecosite guides for Western Canada. MGM Research Note #2020-1. https://mgm.ualberta.ca/mgm18/research-notes/

Comeau, P. 2020. Results from age 26 remeasurement of the Big River WESBOGY LTS installation.  WESBOGY Research Note #2020-1. WESBOGY Research Note 2020-1

Comeau, P., M. Bokalo and S. Titus. 2004. Early dynamics of tended mixedwood stands. EFM Research Note 06/2004.

Kristoff, T., M. Bokalo, K. Johnson, M. Kristoff, P. Comeau and D. Fisher. 2016. The development of understory protection harvesting yield curves for the Marten Hills FMA using the Mixedwood Growth Model (MGM).

Strimbu, V., Bokalo, M., and P.G. Comeau. 2015. MGM Calibration for Jack Pine in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Report submitted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Saskatchewan Enviroment and Alberta Pacific Forest Industries. Submitted April 1, 2015.

Voicu, M. and P. Comeau. 2007. Gradients in microclimate and spruce growth adjacent to young aspen stands. EFM Research Note 01/2007.


Graduate student MSc theses

Aitkin, D.J. 2003. Early growth and yield response to various two-stage tending and harvesting treatments. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Bjelanovic, I. 2016. Predicting forest productivity using wet areas mapping and other remote sensed environmental data. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Bokalo, M. 1994. The use of growth models in forest inventory. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Buckmaster, G. 2003. Projecting height growth of understory Picea glauca in stands with an overstory dominated by Populus tremuloides. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Cortini, F. 2007. Competition effects on five conifer species in southern British Columbia and northern Alberta. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Griffiths, S. 2008. Characterization of leaf area index and understory vegetation development following precommercial thinning of boreal mixedwood forests. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (cosupervisors: Phil Comeau and Ellen Macdonald)

Jansen, D.E. 2017. Identifying and assessing the yield implications of forest canopy gaps in forest management using full feature LiDAR. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (cosupervisors: Mike Bokalo and Phil Comeau)

Johnson, K.M. 2015. Assessing operational silviculture and modeling juvenile growth in Saskatchewan white spruce (Picea glauca) plantations. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Krebs, V.S. 2016. White spruce advanced regeneration response to strip cut understory protection. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Man, C.D. 2006. Competitive effects of woody and herbaceous vegetation in a young boreal mixedwood stand. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Oltean, G.S. 2015. Estimation of site index and soil properties using the topographic depth-to-water index. M.Sc thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Osika, D. 2012. Reconstructed height growth trajectories of white spruce (Picea glauca) following deciduous release. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta (cosupervisors: Ken Stadt and Phil Comeau)

Pritchard, J. 2003. The effect of opening size on light, temperature and the growth of white spruce under a trembling aspen canopy. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Rivera-Rios, C. 2018. Effects of community structure on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), leaf area index (LAI) and light use efficiency (LUE_ in a boreal mixedwood forest of central Alberta, Canada. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Tansanu, C.S. 2007. The role of forest stand structure in predicting yield. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta (cosupervisors: Mike Bokalo and Phil Comeau)

Voicu, M. 2004. Gradients in microclimate and spruce growth adjacent to young aspen stands. M.Sc. thesis. Univ. of Alberta (supervisor: Phil Comeau)


Graduate student PhD theses

Cortini, F. 2010. Growth and yield implications of site preparation, competition control and climate in the western boreal forest. Ph.D thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Filipescu, C.N. 2009. Dynamics of competition in boreal mixedwood stands. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Huang, S. 1992. Nonlinear simultaneous diameter and height growth models for major Alberta tree species. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Kweon, D. 2018. Aspen density dynamics in boreal mixedwood stands and the implications in western Canada. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Nunifu, T. 2003. Calibrating the mixedwood growth model (MGM) for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and associated species in Alberta. Ph.D thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Oboite, F.O. 2018. Growth of understory spruce following mountain pine beetle attack and recalibration and validation of the Mixedwood Growth Model for black spruce. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Qin, Y. 1998. Ingrowth models and juvenile mixedwood stand dynamics. Ph.D thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Reyes-Hernandez, V.J. 2013. Stockability, relative density and productivity: investigating their link in boreal mixedwoods. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Sattler, D.F. 2015. Crown architecture and wood properties of white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (supervisor: Phil Comeau)

Yang, Y. 2002. Mortality models for major boreal mixedwood species in Alberta. Ph.D thesis. Univ. of Alberta. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)

Yao, X. 1997. Modeling juvenile growth and mortality in mixedwood stands of Alberta. PhD Thesis. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 193p. (Supervisor: Steve Titus)


PC January 20, 2021